Panel Discussion: Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
"Digital Lottery" (Players Clubs, Loyalty Programs, Second-Chance programs, digital apps and digital strategies) provides the tools that engage the players in the ongoing interactive relationship that moves us from mass-market-segmentation to micro-targeting to forging the one-to-one relationship that is the future of consumer-facing businesses. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the framework that focuses those efforts onto the consumer – not just integrating but harmonizing the variety of "Digital Lottery" initiatives and tools into a holistic/synergistic strategy. The next generation discussion revolves less around “channels, media, and platforms” and more around the customer, as CRM moves us from the product-driven world of the past to the customer-driven world of the future.
Gretchen Corbin, President & Chief Executive Officer, Georgia Lottery Corporation
Marcus Glasper, Executive Director, Washington Lottery
Merv Huber, Sr. Director, Digital Growth, Scientific Games
Stefano Monterosso, Sr. Vice President Global Lottery Product and Sales, IGT
Drew Svitko, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Lottery