
Panel Discussion: Multi-State Collaboration Moderator: Tom Delacenserie, President and CEO, Kentucky Lottery Corporation

Panel Discussion: Multi-State Collaboration: A cornerstone to modernization is to work together to standardize business process, procedure, and technologies across jurisdictional boundaries. Significant progress has been made, and the industry is on the cusp of important breakthroughs. How are costs, responsibilities, and authority allocated when the costs and benefits vary by jurisdiction? What are the governance issues that need to be addressed? How are these being applied to implementation of API and to further meet the needs of multi-state retailers? How might the community of lotteries share resources for nation-wide (or at least multi-jurisdictional) branding, messaging, advertising, and promotion, and capture and organization of data for NASPL Matrix, etc.?

Moderator: Tom Delacenserie, President and CEO, Kentucky Lottery Corporation



Andy Davis, Chief Financial & Information Systems Officer, Tennessee Lottery Corp.

Jim Poppell, Secretary, Florida Lottery

Paul Riley, Vice President, Innovation & Transformation, IGT

Terry Rich, President & Chief Executive Officer, Iowa Lottery


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